Orissa Servunity Private Limited offers you Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) as Licensed Registration Authority (LRA), for distribution of Digital Signature Certificate.
Digital Signature Certificate can be used to create legally valid Digital Signatures which has the same legal recognition and validity as handwritten signatures.
DSC can be used in MCA21 portal for e-filling of forms under companies Act, DIT portal for e-filing of Income Tax Returns, e-tendering portals to participate in online tendering and many other applications.
Orissa Servunity Private Limited is one of the established Service facilitating center, under the license from NSDL in the name of “Manoj Dash”. OSPL endeavors to collect and assist in filling TDS returns, TCS returns, AIR, PAN and TAN. We process e-TDS/TCS applications in a more simple and expedient manner.
e-TDS Return has to be submitted in a Floppy or CD ROM. The Deductor shall prepare their e-TDS Returns separately for each Return in accordance with the file format prescribed by NSDL.
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Orissa Servunity Pvt.Ltd. is also providing bio-metric solutions to various sectors and organizations with advanced security to working systems. The company has different solutions basing on the need of the offices, companies and organizations. These solutions range from biometrics, GPS, forensic solutions, hardware securities etc. Biometrics is a technology used for identification of a user based on a physical characteristic, such as a fingerprint, iris, face, voice or handwriting. It refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics, such as fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for authentication purposes. The company provides one of the best biometric devices to the customers in need of. Biometric solution ranges from different attendances systems to various security devices.
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